Well after a couple of failed attempts to get together for a photo shoot, Dan and I finally did and what a great time we had.
Dan wanted some shots of his new prom suit (with him in it) and I think you'll agree that he looked the part.
Dan brought his guitar in too so we decided to add a less formal element to the shoot. After a few bars of Green Day and Michael Jackson were knocked out, the mood of the shoot was set. And the man can play. Now I see where he gets his Guitar Hero skills from.
I want to take this opportinuty to thank Dan for being patient and accomodating to take part in a few shots for my portfolio. Actually, that sounds dodgier that it was. The "doorframe" shot must have been particularly strange to him. It will all make sense when I publish the final shot.
To check out a few more images from the shoot go to the David Gow Photographer page on Facebook.
Looking forward to a few frames of pool to get my revenge for that humiliating whupping I got on Guitar Hero.
Good Pics Ian! Very smart...x