I met Sharon and Justin so long ago, it seems like we've been friends forever. But without the annoying cute bears who always seem to be carrying huge love hearts around on the greetings cards.
What I remember most about meeting Sharon and Justin (apart from the laughter and there was lots of that) was the "cow" theme in the house. Sharon has a deep-rooted love for all things "cow" and you'll be pleased to learn that the theme was carried forward into the wedding. Seriously, everywhere. Cakes, table favours, cards, shoes and pyjamas. That gives you an idea how much fun lay ahead for the wedding guests and for me to photograph it.
Assisted by the glamorous (am I over-using that word yet? She is glamorous though) Sophie, I worked through the wedding photography starting with the Bridal Preparations at The Close Hotel in Tetbury.
As one of my favourite parts of the day, this is usually a demure, sombre and thought-provoking period of quiet reflection for the Bride, Mother and Bridesmaids. Actually, that's a very long typo. As one of the few "uncoordinated" times of the day, anything can happen. There was laughter, tears, the odd small glass of champagne, a pile-up on the bed, Take That karaoke (including dancing) and the grand entrance of the Flower Girls Chloe (not very camera-shy) and Holly (ever-smiling) and Page Boy Joel (the self-proclaimed "devilishly handsome" one).
After the Ceremony, in the Close Hotel's very own beautiful on site Chapel, Sharon and Justin "ran the gauntlet" of confetti, which I have to say was thrown perfectly by all but one of the guests, who threw the confetti straight into poor Sharon and Justin's faces. On the plus side, it made for a fantastic shot for me. I can be quite selfish like that.
The weather played its part which allowed everyone to enjoyed the Pimms in the hotel gardens. This is where my job becomes easy for a while because every single guest was thoroughly enjoying the wedding. Every single photo I took captured that. Easy.
After the wedding breakfast, Bob (AKA Sharon's Dad), Terry (AKA Best Man) and Justin (AKA Justin), provided some of the funniest and emotional speeches I've ever heard. The photos of everyone's reaction is testimony to that. Sharon had a giggle or two, herself. ;-). It seems that Terry left a lot out of his speech re: Justin. Perhaps something he's keeping back for Justin's biography? Keep your eyes open the next time you're in Waterstones. I suspect it's going to be quite a read.
Are you of a nervous disposition? Do you avoid watching the CBBC channel because you find some of the shows too violent? Then you may want to skip this paragraph. I think the Bridesmaids know where I'm going with this. Especially Anna. But even more "especially", Sarah. Tossing. The. Bouquet. Usually a wonderful moment of tradition passed down the ages where the "next Bride" is predicted to be the Lady who is fortunate to capture the bouquet. A lovely moment that has often brought tears to the eyes of even the sternest of souls. However... what we experience was less like this and more like the opening scenes of "Saving Private Ryan". There was pushing. There was elbowing. There were small children thrown into the air. Sharon threw the bouquet with elegance but the scenes behind her did not reflect that. After what seemed like an eternity in the air with onlookers gazing in horror at the battle in front of them, Sarah won the bouquet. I have a lovely shot of her holding the bouquet up with pride and joy. I can only hope the images will provide some sort of character reference in Court.
Onto the evening reception, and I guarantee that its one that everyone who was there will never ever forget it.
We were all treated to a fantastic rendition of a number of Take That and Robbie Williams songs by Craig (AKA Sharon's Brother) and what a cracking voice he's got. And, yes, he also did the "Robbie Strut" too, in case you were wondering.
Then came, what I can only describe as a frenzy of "competition of the sexes" in the maddest Dance-Off ever seen. The girls and guys gave possibly the finest (I want to say organised and coordinated) dance routines to Run DMC's "It's Like That". Have you seen the Run DMC video? Yeah? Multiply the dexterity and intense moves by 10 and you're in the ball park of how brilliant this was. I won't spoil the ending by saying who actually won the Dance-Off but there were suspicions raised by the losing side on how much prepping the winning side actually did. Personally, I suspect the winners had actually been on a Fame School retreat. They were all THAT good.
What a fantastic and fun-filled day this was. Sharon and Justin's wedding really had absolutely everything that makes a day truly special. You guys really deserved it. Congratulations to you both and I wish you all the very best for your future. Even if that future doesn't include a Broadway dance career.
Linda Gray Bridalwear - http://www.lindagraybridal.co.uk
The Close Hotel, Tetbury - http://www.theclose-hotel.com